Page 26 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 26


                   importance of CCPs. While material advances have been achieved to enhance the

                   resilience and recovery of CCPs, it is also necessary to ensure that adequate financial

                   resources and tools are available in resolution to maintain the continuity of critical

                   functions and safeguard financial stability, should resolution become necessary.

                        Consequently, the FSB has developed a global standard for financial resources

                   and tools to facilitate the orderly resolution of systemically important CCPs with two


                        i Resolution authorities of systemically important CCPs should have access to a

                   set of resolution-specific resources and tools, in addition to recovery resources and

                   tools where these are available to the resolution authority. The resolution toolbox

                   should include a combination of resolution-specific resources and tools from the list

                   of seven in the report. Not all seven resources and tools need to be included. Financial

                   resources and tools have different strengths and weaknesses, and no single resource or

                   tool would be sufficient by itself to meet the resolution objectives.

                        ii Jurisdictions should make their approach to calibrating the resolution-specific

                   resources and tools in the toolbox transparent.

                        The FSB will monitor implementation for CCPs that are systemically important

                   in more than one jurisdiction through the FSB’s regular monitoring tools. The

                   findings will be aggregated and published in the FSB’s annual Resolution Report.



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