Page 25 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 25


                        1. 具有系统重要性的中央对手方的处置机构应可以使用一套针对处置方案





                        2. 各司法管辖区应采取措施保证其工具箱中处置方案特有的资源和工具透


                        FSB 将通过其常规监测工具对在多个司法管辖区具有系统重要性的中央对

                   手方的实施进行监督。监督结果将被汇总并发布在 FSB 的年度处置方案报告中。

                   FSB Introduces New Global Standard to Support the Orderly Resolution of a

                   Central Counterparty (2024/4/25)

                        ? New standard aims to ensure that resolution authorities have ready access to

                   a set of resolution-specific financial resources and tools, as well as any unused

                   recovery resources, to support the orderly resolution of a central counterparty (CCP).

                        ? Standard     requires   that   adequate    liquidity,  loss-absorbing,   and

                   recapitalisation resources and tools are available to maintain the continuity of a

                   CCP’s critical functions and mitigate adverse effects on financial stability should

                   resolution become necessary.

                        ? FSB will monitor implementation for CCPs that are systemically important in

                   more than one jurisdiction and publish findings in its annual Resolution Report.

                        The Financial Stability Board (FSB) published today a report on financial

                   resources and tools for CCP resolution.

                        The availability of adequate resources and tools for CCP resolution remains

                   critical for financial stability and for ensuring confidence in the financial system.

                   Progress in implementing the G20 regulatory reforms agreed after the 2008-09

                   financial crisis, including the central clearing mandate, has increased the systemic

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