Page 21 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 21


                   posted for cleared IRD transactions and $60.4 billion was delivered for cleared CDS


                        “The introduction of the sixth phase of the margin rules in September 2022

                   means more entities than ever before need to post IM for their non-cleared derivatives

                   exposures, and additional firms continue to come into scope each year. This

                   significantly reduces counterparty credit risk, but it does also mean that large amounts

                   of high-quality liquid assets need to be sourced to meet margin calls, which means

                   collateral management processes need to be as efficient as possible,” said Scott

                   O’Malia, ISDA’s Chief Executive.

                        ISDA is working on several initiatives to apply the Common Domain Model – an

                   open-source data standard for financial products, trades and lifecycle events – to

                   collateral management documentation, collateral representation and margin and

                   settlement processes to increase automation and efficiency and reduce operational,

                   liquidity and counterparty risks.



                   3.  金融稳定委员会提出增强市场整体压力下非银行市场参与者在保证金和担

                   保品追加方面流动性准备的措施(2024 年 4 月 17 日)

                       ?   金融稳定委员会(FSB)报告指出,风险管理和治理方面的缺失是近期



                       ?   报告提出了八项政策建议,重点是管理和降低非银行金融中介(NBFI)


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