Page 35 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年8月刊)
P. 35


                   了内部调查,发现了潜在的违规行为,并迅速将这些事实报告给 CFTC。Truist

                   在 CFTC 调查中进行了实质性合作,包括扩大和分享其抽样分析结果。Truist 表


                   CFTC Orders Truist Bank to Pay $3 Million Penalty and Remediate

                   Recordkeeping and Supervision Failures Relating to Widespread Use of

                   Unapproved Communications Methods(2024/8/14)

                        Truist Receives Substantially Reduced Penalty for Self-Reporting to the

                   Division of Enforcement

                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order

                   simultaneously filing and settling charges against North Carolina swap dealer Truist

                   Bank. The order finds Truist failed to maintain, preserve, or produce records required

                   to be kept under CFTC recordkeeping requirements. Truist also failed to diligently

                   supervise matters related to its business as a CFTC swap dealer.

                        Truist admits the facts detailed in the order, is ordered to cease and desist from

                   further violations of recordkeeping and supervision requirements, is ordered to pay a

                   $3 million civil monetary penalty, and is ordered to engage in specific remedial


                        Truist self-reported it proactively conducted a review of the use of unapproved

                   communications methods by its employees. The review demonstrated widespread and

                   longstanding use of unapproved communication methods by swap dealer

                   employees—including senior-level employees—to engage in firm business. The order

                   recognizes Truist’s self-report, its substantial cooperation with the Division of

                   Enforcement’s investigation, and remediation in the form of a substantially reduced


                        “In responding to an industry-wide and consequential problem, Truist set itself

                   apart from the more than 20 other registrants the CFTC brought actions against for

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