Page 41 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年7月刊)
P. 41




                        ESMA 将于 2025 年进行下一次有关数据的收集。

                   ESMA Publishes 2023 Data on Cross-border Investment Activity of Firms


                        The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial

                   markets regulator and supervisor, together with the National Competent Authorities

                   (NCAs), completed an analysis of the cross-border provision of investment services

                   during 2023.

                        The data sets were collected from investment firms across 30 jurisdictions in the


                        The main findings include:

                        ?   A total of around 386 firms provided services to retail clients on a
                            cross-border basis in 2023;

                        ?   Approximately 8 million clients in the EU/EEA received investment services

                            from firms located in other EU/EEA Member States in 2023;

                        ?   Cyprus is the primary location for firms providing cross-border investment

                            services in the EU/EEA, accounting for 20% of the total firms passporting

                            investment services. Luxembourg and Germany follow with 15% and 14%

                            of all firms, respectively; and

                        ?   Germany, France, Spain, and Italy are the most significant destinations (in

                            terms of number of retail clients) for investment firms providing

                            cross-border services in other Member States.

                        The insights gained from the analysis will allow ESMA and the NCAs to better

                   understand and monitor cross-border investment services provided by firms in the

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