Page 27 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年6月刊)
P. 27


                   密西西比南区)中承认共谋实施电信诈骗。2023 年 11 月 13 日,Alexander 被判

                   有罪。由于 Alexander 的有罪供述涉及一项或多项挪用公款、盗窃、欺诈、欺诈


                   应永久撤销 Alexander 的注册资格。

                        CFTC 认定,Alexander 受《美国商品交易法》第 8a(2)(D)(iii)节关于


                        和解撤销 Alexander 的注册资格

                        Alexander 承认了撤销注册意向通知中的指控,同意 CFTC 撤销他作为商品


                   CFTC Permanently Revokes Registrations of Mississippi-based Commodity

                   Trading Advisor and Associated Person (2024/6/13)

                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an opinion and order

                   revoking the registrations of Ted Brent Alexander of Jackson, Mississippi. The CFTC

                   filed a Notice of Intent to Revoke Registration Pursuant to Section 8a(2) of the

                   Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) against Alexander on March 13, 2024. [See CFTC

                   Press Release No. 8876-24]. The CFTC action is based on Alexander’s guilty plea to

                   conspiracy to commit wire fraud in a federal criminal case.

                        Case Background

                        Alexander has been registered with the CFTC as a Commodity Trading Advisor

                   (CTA) and Associated Person (AP) since October 2008. On April 26, 2023, Alexander

                   pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud in United States v.

                   Alexander, No. 3:20-cr-00031 (S.D. Miss.). On November 13, 2023, a judgment of

                   conviction was entered against Alexander. Because Alexander’s guilty plea involved a

                   crime involving one or more of embezzlement, theft, fraud, fraudulent conversion,

                   misappropriation of funds, securities or property, and/or false pretenses, federal

                   commodity laws allow Alexander’s registrations to be permanently revoked.

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