Page 14 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 14


                        的公告(2024 年 4 月 18 日).............................................................................................. 72

                             Announcement of Shanghai International Energy Exchange on the Release of

                        Guide of the Shanghai International Energy Exchange for Market Maker Business


                             24. 中国金融期货交易所关于 2024 年 3 月采取自律监管措施情况的公告(2024

                        年 4 月 18 日)........................................................................................................................72

                             Announcement of the China Financial Futures Exchange on Self-regulatory

                        Measures Taken in March 2024 (2024/4/18)........................................................................72

                             25. 中国金融期货交易所股指期货和股指期权新合约上市通知(2024 年 4 月 18


                             Notice of the China Financial Futures Exchange on Listing of New Equity Index

                        Futures and Options Contracts (2024/4/18)........................................................................ 72

                         ? 行业协会 Industry Association..................................................................................... 73

                             26. 中国期货业协会发布 2024 年 3 月全国期货市场交易情况简报(2024 年 4 月 2


                             China Futures Association Releases the Brief on National Futures Markets

                        Trading for March 2024 (2024/4/2)...................................................................................... 73

                             27. 中国银行间市场交易商协会关于发布《内地与香港利率互换市场互联互通合

                        作清算衍生品协议(2024 年版)》的公告(2024 年 4 月 8 日).....................................73

                             Announcement of National Association of Financial Market Institutional

                        Investors on Publishing the Swap Connect Cleared Derivatives Agreement (2024 Version)


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