Page 12 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 12


                             Announcement of Shanghai International Energy Exchange on Investigation and

                        Penalties for Violations of Relevant Rules and Regulations for March 2024 (2024/4/8)68

                             12. 郑州商品交易所关于动力煤期货 2504 合约有关事项的公告(2024 年 4 月 8


                             Announcement of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on the Matters Regarding

                        the Thermal Coal Futures 2504 Contract (2024/4/8)..........................................................68

                             13. 上海期货交易所关于发布《上海期货交易所铅期货合约(修订版)》《上海期

                        货交易所交割细则(修订版)》的公告(2024 年 4 月 12 日)........................................69

                             Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on the Release of the Lead Futures

                        Contract of Shanghai Futures Exchange (Revised) and Delivery Rules of the Shanghai

                        Futures Exchange (Revised) (2024/4/12).............................................................................. 69

                             14. 广州期货交易所关于修改《广州期货交易所工业硅期货、期权业务细则》的

                        通知(2024 年 4 月 12 日)...................................................................................................69

                             Notice of Guangzhou Futures Exchange on Amending the Detailed Business Rules
                        for Silicon Metals Futures and Options of Guangzhou Futures Exchange (2024/4/12)... 69

                             15. 中国金融期货交易所关于增加 5 年期国债期货合约可交割国债的通知(2024

                        年 4 月 15 日)........................................................................................................................69

                             Notice of China Financial Futures Exchange on Releasing New Deliverable 5-Year

                        China Government Bond Futures Contracts (2024/4/15)..................................................69

                             16. 大连商品交易所关于修改《大连商品交易所做市商管理办法》的公告(2024

                        年 4 月 16 日)........................................................................................................................70

                             Announcement of Dalian Commodity Exchange on Amending the Measures for

                        Market Maker Management of Dalian Commodity Exchange (2024/4/16)........................70

                             17. 大连商品交易所发布《大连商品交易所做市商业务指南》的公告(2024 年 4

                        月 16 日)................................................................................................................................70

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