Page 13 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 13


                             Announcement of Dalian Commodity Exchange on Releasing the Guidelines for

                        Market Maker Business of Dalian Commodity Exchange (2024/4/16)............................... 70

                             18. 郑州商品交易所关于发布《郑州商品交易所棉纱期货业务细则》修订案的公

                        告(2024 年 4 月 16 日).......................................................................................................70

                             Announcement of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on the Amendments to the

                        Detailed Business Rules for Cotton Yarn Futures of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange


                             19. 郑州商品交易所关于转发《期货交割棉质量公证检验工作规程》的公告(2024

                        年 4 月 18 日)........................................................................................................................70

                             Announcement of Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange on Forwarding the Working

                        Rules for Notarization Inspection of Cotton Quality for Futures Delivery (2024/4/18).....71

                             20. 上海期货交易所关于关于发布《上海期货交易所做市商管理办法(修订版)》

                        的公告(2024 年 4 月 18 日).............................................................................................. 71

                             Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on the Release of Revised
                        Market-Making Management Rules of Shanghai Futures Exchange (2024/4/18)............ 71

                             21. 上海期货交易所关于发布《上海期货交易所做市商业务指南》的公告(2024

                        年 4 月 18 日)........................................................................................................................71

                             Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on Releasing the Guidelines of the

                        Shanghai Futures Exchange for Market Maker Business (2024/4/18)...............................71

                             22. 上海国际能源交易中心关于发布《上海国际能源交易中心做市商管理细则(修

                        订版)》的公告(2024 年 4 月 18 日)................................................................................ 71

                             Announcement of Shanghai International Energy Exchange on the Release of

                        Revised Market-Making Management Rules of Shanghai International Energy Exchange


                             23. 上海国际能源交易中心关于发布《上海国际能源交易中心做市商业务指南》

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