Page 41 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年8月刊)
P. 41


                   衍生品清算机构(DCOs)的适用性问题。该函取代了 CFTC 于 2016 年发布的仅

                   适用于欧盟衍生品清算机构的第 16-26 号信函,是 CFTC 对欧盟关于其衍生品清

                   算机构监管框架等效性认定的回应的一部分。【参见 CFTC 新闻稿第 7342-16 号】

                        第 16-26 号信函发布时,英国是欧盟的一部分,因此该信函也适用于位于英

                   国的衍生品清算机构。英国在 2019 年脱欧后,采纳并保留了欧盟《欧盟市场基


                   国财政部发布了一项法定文件,认定 CFTC 的衍生品清算机构监管制度与英国的

                   中央对手方监管制度等效。鉴于这些发展,清算和风险部已更新第 16-26 号信函,


                   CFTC Staff Issues No-Action Letter for EU-Based and UK-Based DCOs

                   Regarding Certain Requirements Applicable to DCOs (2024/8/23)

                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Clearing and Risk

                   (DCR) today issued a no-action letter to address the applicability of certain CFTC

                   regulations to registered derivatives clearing organizations (DCOs) based in either the

                   European Union (EU) or the United Kingdom (UK). This letter replaces CFTC Letter

                   16-26, which applied only to EU-based DCOs and was issued in 2016 as part of the

                   CFTC’s response to the EU equivalence determination with regard to the CFTC’s
                   regulatory framework for DCOs. [See CFTC Press Release No. 7342-16]

                        At that time, the UK was a part of the EU, and therefore, CFTC Letter 16-26 also

                   applied to DCOs based in the UK. After withdrawing from the EU in 2019, the UK

                   adopted and retained the EU regulatory framework for central counterparties (CCPs)

                   in the European Market Infrastructure Regulation. The UK’s HM Treasury

                   subsequently published a statutory instrument concluding the CFTC’s regime for

                   regulating DCOs is equivalent to the UK’s regime for regulating CCPs. Given these

                   developments, DCR has updated CFTC Letter 16-26 to explicitly apply it to

                   UK-based DCOs post-Brexit.


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