Page 19 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年7月刊)
P. 19



                   2.  美国商品期货交易委员会同意 ForecastEx,LLC 注册为衍生品清算机构并

                   指定其为指定合约市场(2024 年 6 月 25 日)


                   向 ForecastEx 签发衍生品清算机构(DCO)注册令并指定其为指定合约市场


                        CFTC 根据 CEA 第 5b 节和第 5a 节的规定,同意 ForecastEx 注册为衍生品

                   清算机构并指定其为指定合约市场。ForecastEx 是一家在特拉华州注册的有限责


                        CFTC 认为,ForecastEx 已证明其能够遵守适用于衍生品清算机构和指定合
                   约市场的 CEA 规定和 CFTC 联邦法规。除此之外,ForecastEx 还将遵守 CEA 的

                   所有条款以及分别适用于衍生品清算机构和指定合约市场的 CFTC 联邦法规的


                   CFTC Grants ForecastEx, LLC DCO Registration and DCM Designation


                        The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced it has issued

                   ForecastEx, LLC an Order of Registration as a derivatives clearing organization

                   (DCO) and (DCM) under the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA).

                        DCO registration was granted under Section 5b of the CEA. DCM designation

                   was granted under Section 5a of the CEA. ForecastEx is a limited liability company

                   registered in Delaware and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.

                        The CFTC determined ForecastEx demonstrated its ability to comply with the

                   CEA provisions and CFTC regulations applicable to DCOs and DCMs. The terms and

                   conditions of the DCO and DCM orders require, among other things, that ForecastEx

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