Page 78 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年4月)
P. 78


                   ? 金融监管机构 Financial Regulatory Authority

                   2.  中国证监会印发 2024 年度立法工作计划(2024 年 4 月 12 日)


                   本市场高质量发展的若干意见》要求,进一步做好 2024 年证券期货监管规章制


                   方关注,于近日制定了 2024 年度立法工作计划,对全年的立法工作做了总体部




                   China Securities Regulatory Commission Issues 2024 Legislative Work Plan


                        To deeply implement the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference and the

                   State Council’s Opinions on Strengthening Regulation and Preventing Risks to

                   Promote the High-Quality Development of the Capital Market, to further succeed in

                   the legislative work of 2024, such as the formulation of regulations on the regulation

                   of securities and futures, and to strengthen the basic system construction of the capital
                   market, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), in conjunction with the

                   practice of supervisory work and the concerns of all parties in the market, recently

                   formulated the 2024 legislative work plan for the year. Among them, the regulations

                   involving the futures market include Measures for the Supervision and Administration

                   of Derivatives Trading, Measures for the Administration of Futures Practitioners,

                   Measures for Regulation and Supervision of Futures Companies, and Measures for

                   the Administration of Information Technology of Securities, Futures, and Funds

                   Trading Institutions.


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