Page 52 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年7月刊)
P. 52


                   capital efficiency. It will also help vitalise offshore investors’ onshore bond holdings

                   and further enhance the attractiveness of onshore bonds. The measure will also

                   promote synergies between Bond Connect and Swap Connect, thereby further

                   invigorating market participation in the Connect Schemes.

                        This is a new arrangement for the use of onshore bonds as eligible collateral in

                   the offshore market, following the inclusion of onshore bonds issued by the Ministry

                   of Finance and policy banks on the Mainland in the list of eligible collateral for the

                   HKMA’s RMB Liquidity Facility on 26 February this year. It is built on the

                   collaborative efforts with the PBoC to deepen financial cooperation between Hong

                   Kong and the Mainland and further promote RMB internationalisation in a steady,

                   orderly and sound manner. The SFC and the HKMA will continue to provide guidance

                   to the    financial  infrastructure  institutions  (including  the HKMA Central

                   Moneymarkets Unit and OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited) to take forward the

                   preparatory work, including promulgating rules for the provision of collateral by way

                   of security interest or title transfer, and for the transfer of the relevant bonds, with a

                   view to implementing this new measure as soon as practicable. Relevant details will

                   be announced in due course.



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