Page 56 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年8月刊)
P. 56



                   3.  始终坚持“长牙带刺”,一以贯之严监严管——2024 年上半年中国证监会行

                   政执法情况综述(2024 年 8 月 16 日)

                        上半年,证监会查办证券期货违法案件 489 件,作出处罚决定 230 余件、同

                   比增长约 22%,惩处责任主体 509 人(家)次、同比增长约 40%,市场禁入 46

                   人、同比增长约 12%,合计罚没款金额 85 亿余元、超过去年全年总和。

                   China Securities Regulatory Commission Releases Enforcement Results for the

                   First Half of 2024 (2024/8/16)

                        In the first half of the year, China Securities Regulatory Commission(CSRC)

                   investigated and pursued 489 cases of securities and futures violations, and made

                   penalty decisions in more than 230 cases, which is an increase of approximately 22%.

                   The CSRC also penalized 509 liable persons, an increase of approximately 40%.

                   Furthermore, the CSRC market-banned 46 people, which is an increase of

                   approximately 12%. A sum of more than 8.5 billion CNY in fines and forfeitures was

                   imposed, which exceeds the total sum of monetary penalties imposed in 2023.


                   4.  中国证监会同意铅、镍、锡和氧化铝期权注册(2024 年 8 月 23 日)




                   China Securities Regulatory Commission Agrees to Register Lead, Nickel, Tin

                   and Aluminum Oxide Options (2024/8/23)

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