Page 53 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年8月刊)
P. 53


                   四年不等。为使公众保持防骗意识并告诫投资者提防可疑活动,SFC 于上一季将

                   九个实体及四项投资产品列入其警示名单。SFC 也推出电视和电台广告宣传,以

                   提高公众防范投资骗局的意识,并于 4 月联同香港其他金融监管机构支持《保障

                   消费者防诈骗约章 2.0》,旨在协助公众防范投资骗局及数字诈骗。

                   Hong Kong Sees a Quarter of Broad Market Growth, Firmer Ties and

                   Regulatory Progress: SFC’s Quarterly Report (2024/8/22)

                        The Hong Kong capital markets made encouraging, broad-based progress in the

                   second quarter of 2024 as reflected by an array of data on asset management, listing,

                   licensing and virtual assets, according to the Quarterly Report of the Securities and

                   Futures Commission (SFC) published today.

                        Among the notable developments for the quarter covering April-June, Hong

                   Kong-domiciled funds showed continued momentum with assets under management

                   (AUM) up 7% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) as of end-June and net fund inflows up 80%

                   QoQ for the quarter.

                        Another bright spot was the growth of licence applications received by the SFC,

                   which rose 3% QoQ and 8% year-on-year. New listing applications the SFC cleared

                   also increased 6% QoQ.

                        On the virtual assets (VA) front, Asia’s first batch of six VA spot ETFs listed in

                   Hong Kong have traded smoothly with a total market capitalisation of $2.4 billion

                   (US$310 million) as of mid-August. In addition, the SFC received 17 applications for

                   virtual asset trading platform (VATP) licences in the quarter.

                        “The latest quarterly data and continuing trends reaffirm the SFC’s strategic

                   approach, and we will build upon our accomplishments with steadfast commitment to

                   market connectivity, innovation, sustainability and, above all, integrity,” said Ms Julia

                   Leung, the SFC’s Chief Executive Officer. “Going forward, the SFC will continue

                   with its assiduous efforts to ensure Hong Kong’s capital markets remain competitive

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