Page 59 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年6月刊)
P. 59






                        SFC 认为夏有失当行为,且并非获发牌的适当人选。

                        SFC 在决定对夏采取上述纪律处分时,已考虑到所有相关情况,包括:

                        ?   他制作及向该客户发送虚假产品资料概要的行为属蓄意及并不诚实;

                        ?   他并无从其失当行为获取任何个人金钱收益;

                        ?   他的失当行为并无对客户造成任何财务损失;

                        ?   他承认指控及在证监会的调查中表现合作;及

                        ?   他过往并无遭受纪律处分的记录。

                   SFC Bans Ha Po Kwan for 12 Months (2024/6/17)

                        The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has banned Mr Ha Po Kwan, a

                   former licensed representative of Primas Asset Management Limited (PAML), from

                   re-entering the industry for 12 months from 14 June 2024 to 13 June 2025.

                        The disciplinary action follows an SFC investigation which found that in June

                   2021, Ha, a director of PAML at the material time, created two false documents by

                   altering information on the strike price or maturity date in the original product flashes

                   of two accumulator contracts. He then sent the two false product flashes to a client of

                   PAML to mislead the client about the maturity date or strike price of the accumulator

                   contracts he had bought for the client’s account that he managed with full

                   discretionary authority and served as the relationship manager.

                        Ha also used his personal email account for business communication with the

                   same client. By doing so, Ha’s conduct circumvented PAML’s internal policies and

                   prevented it from properly monitoring his operation of the client’s account.

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