Page 65 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年7月刊)
P. 65


                   26. 上海期货交易所就铅、镍、锡和氧化铝期货期权合约公开征求意见的公告

                   (2024 年 7 月 16 日)

                   Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on Requesting Public Comments

                   on Lead, Nickel, Tin and Alumina Futures and Options Contracts (2024/7/16)


                   27. 上海期货交易所关于发布《上海期货交易所上期综合业务平台保税标准仓单

                   交易业务规定(试行)(修订版)》的公告(2024 年 7 月 17 日)

                   Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on the Release of Revised

                   Shanghai Futures Exchanges’s Regulation on the Trading of Bonded Standard

                   Warehouse Receipts through the SHFE Integrated Business Platform (Trial)



                   28. 上海期货交易所关于发布《上海期货交易所异常交易行为管理办法(修订版)》

                   的公告(2024 年 7 月 19 日)

                   Announcement of Shanghai Futures Exchange on the Release of Revised

                   Administration of Abnormal Trading Behaviors Rules of the Shanghai Futures

                   Exchange (2024/7/19)


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