Page 52 - 期货和衍生品行业监管动态(2024年6月刊)
P. 52


                   柬埔寨中小企业购买原材料和商品。Liquid Group Pte Ltd 还将利用 FTC 辅助对


                   Sathapana Bank PLC 将利用 FTC 为柬埔寨中小企业提供更多融资,例如 Comin

                   Khmere Company Ltd,这是一家从多家新加坡中小企业进口建筑材料的进口商。

                        FTC 计划的后续阶段将增加交易流量和参与的金融机构数量,并探索绿色金

                   融和贸易融资,以增强两国的贸易能力。MAS 和 NBC 已于 2023 年 7 月签署了

                   一份谅解备忘录(MoU),以合作开展 FTC 计划。

                        MAS 总经理 Chia Der Jiun 表示: “FTC 启动后最初的一批金融机构来自柬埔

                   寨和新加坡,通过在 FTC 数字基础设施上交换中小企业财务数据,将支持中小



                        NBC 行长 H.E. Serey Chea 博士表示:“FTC 体现了 NBC 和 MAS 的共同愿



                   得跨境融资。 FTC 的启动彰显了我们致力于推动积极变革以促进贸易和金融服务

                   The Start of Financial Transparency Corridor (FTC) Initiative between

                   Singapore and Cambodia (2024/6/18)

                        The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and the National Bank of

                   Cambodia (NBC) today announced the start of the Financial Transparency Corridor

                   (FTC) initiative between Singapore and Cambodia. The FTC commemoration event

                   was held at Istana, Singapore, and was presided over by His Excellency Lawrence

                   WONG, Prime Minister of Singapore and Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei HUN

                   Manet, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, during the official visit by the

                   Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia to Singapore from June 18 to 19, 2024.

                        The FTC is a consent-based digital infrastructure and network between financial

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